Friday, May 4, 2007

examine this..

temme something.. do you ever notice an ant's trajectory (dont know if its the right word..) as it walks from one end of your bed, or table or the floor of your room to the other? have u ever counted the number of lil' bugs under the tubelight on and around rainy days? have u ever noticed that your wall vibrates when the musically inclined peson in the room next to yours is indulging in his inclination? do you ever feel like counting the number of bikes that cross if your room faces the road.. do you ever have this sudden urge to arrange and leaf through some long forgotten pile of old magazines?

these are the things exams make me want to do..

i'm pretty sure its the same with many other people.. such urges surface violently from unknown corners of your heart, shatter the calm surface of your pool of concentration and leave you restless and helpless with a vengence..

have you ever noticed, the weather is at is breeziest, coolest and most enchanting best exactly the day before your most irritating paper? (any paper for that matter) and the day the exams get over, it goes back to its most sullen, hot and hateful self.. especially in the manipal even semester..

i wonder why it is so.. and trust me, wondering and discussing your mind's wanderings with friends is another divine way time flies.. :P
some of the most quality "bakar" happens during prep or exam times, bright ideas that never see the sunlight after the exams strut about in their moment of glory during such times..
the number of "i wish"s and "if only"s.. the maximum number of murders and dates and parties are planned during exam times..

and then we are cruelly brought back to earth..

exactly my case.. i better go study.. random variables are extending their tentacles across the room.., AAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH


Saurabh Harsh said... least such kinda jobs don't come to my mind during exams..but it's very true that i study at my usual rate during the exams too while others are busy mugging it all.
I prefer doing some really relaxing some designing on comp or some pencil sketching.
In the last end sems me and other two friends breached security and climbed to the top of the hill in our campus and even safely returned without being caught.
Keep writing..nice english may be i can learn a bit from here..

daksta said...

man if u get that distracted then wen the hek do u EVER END the studies once u start them

sameep said...

I think this blog reveals the feelings of each and evry student of our college.....
gr8 job.